APT Documentation: Janelia Cluster GPU Back End

We describe how to set up APT to use the Janelia GPU Cluster for all deep learning.

This is only applicable to people with access to the Janelia cluster. Note that Janelians need to contact IT to have access to the cluster granted, if you haven't done this already. If there is interest in extending this to other LSF-based clusters, please let us know. Instructions are currently only available for Linux. Please also let us know if there is demand to extend this to other operating systems.

First, the Janelia cluster's login1 must be in your computer's list of ssh known hosts. To do this, just type

ssh login1
at a terminal, and agree to adding login1 to the list of known hosts, if you haven't already.

Second, you need to set up passwordless ssh login using RSA public-private key pairs. Instructions are available here. To test that this is working, you can try typing:

ssh login1
at a terminal, and see that logging in works without a password.